One Year!

Wow.  It’s been 1 year already!  It seems like we have just had a moment to blink our eyes when we first started this journey and here we are.  There is a lot going on with Living Faith Fellowship this weekend.  We have a special weekend lined up and we want to make sure that you are a part of it.

Sunday Service / Evening Banquet:

Our Sunday service will be a special service with a lot of activities going on.  There will be video presentations, dramas, special singing, dancing, and more.  Our theme for the entire day is:  We’ve Come This Far by Faith.  A lot of what we will be doing will be centered on this very theme.  It is exciting for us to not only look at where we have come from, but where we are also taking this journey to.

Bishop Phillip Pearson will be our special guest speaker for our Sunday Service.  Bishop Pearson is the senior pastor of the LEC (Lake Erie Church), located in Perry, Ohio.  He has previously served under Bishop McGuire as a youth pastor, and completed part of his Ministerial Internship Program under Bishop McGuire.  Having known Bishop McGuire for an extended period of time, Bishop Pearson is no stranger to the journey that Living Faith Fellowship is taking part in and we are very excited to have him deliver God’s Word to us on this very special Sunday.

After our special program Sunday morning, we will be heading to Inviting Events for a night of fellowship and fun.  We will begin at 6:00 PM.    There will be live music, entertainment (for children and adults), and delicious food.   If you haven’t had a chance to sign up, please make sure you do ASAP at our connection desk.  Space is limited and we only have room to accommodate 150 people!

Sowers of Faith Update:

Our current Sowers of Faith project has come to a close.    We were able to raise $1,000 to give to the SE Gwinnett Coop! (Our goal was $600)  Thanks to everyone that helped contribute for us to not only reach, but BREAK our goal!  Living Faith Fellowship continues to exceed its goals in the local mission field and it is only possible with people like you.  If you haven’t heard of the SE Gwinnett Coop, take a moment here to check out their website by clicking here.

As we prepare to launch our next project, we are going to compile a list of ‘past projects’ that can be found on our ministry page for Sowers of Faith.  This will not only help showcase the past projects that we have been involved in, but will also provide us an opportunity to show any ‘updates’ that may come from a completed project.  (We just received an update from our first project:  ‘The Foundation Project’.)

New Voice of Triumph Member:

A very special welcome to Anthony Harper, who has joined the Voice of Triumph music ministry.  You may have seen Brother Harper behind the soundboard at past events, but he has now stepped out from behind the board and onto the platform as he takes on a new role in Living Faith Fellowship.

Website Update:

While the Media Department has been hard at work preparing videos for our 1 year service, we have taken a few moments to get our media archive caught up with the latest sermons:

  • Give God Your Best And Trust Him For The Rest  (09/15/13)
  • Who Are And Where Are The Redeemed?  (09/08/13)
  • Being Prepared (09/01/13)
  • You May Have Been Born To Lead, If…  (08/25/13)

As always, you will find the audio and video available in our Media Archive.  The audio has been added to our online store for anyone that wishes to purchase these sermons.

We will also be updating our Ministries section very soon, to include:  Children’s Church, Media, and Performing Arts.

More to come…